
The site was originally home to a 1960s modernist-style country house built on a gently curving plan form which enjoyed views over rolling countryside. It was two storeys high with a flat roof.

There have been various attempts (prior to our involvement) to secure planning permission for a large replacement dwelling over the years, most of which were refused and dismissed at appeal. Planning permission was finally granted for an eight-bedroom dwelling of subtle country farmhouse design in 2011, however, the main house was never built. Owing to the demolition works that took place shortly after 2011, the planning permission was lawfully implemented and a certificate of lawful development was issued in 2018.

The site changed ownership in early 2019 when we were brought onto the team to provide strategic guidance and clarification on the lawfully implemented scheme from 2011. Our detailed advice provided an informed ‘fall-back’ position for our clients to work with. We provided guidance on the practical implications of the rather unique situation. Our advice provided confidence for our clients to proceed with the construction of two gate cottages at the entrance to the site, some way down the hill from where the main dwelling would be located. We then worked collaboratively with the architects (Hawkes Architecture) and wider consultant team to provide an entirely new replacement dwelling which would benefit from outstanding design and present a landmark building within the landscape.

We provided professional guidance on matters regarding:

  • Lawful implementation of a former planning permission

  • Strategic planning on the delivery of an isolated dwelling in the countryside of outstanding design

  • Ecology, Arboriculture and Biodiversity Net Gain

  • Built Heritage, relating to the nearby Conservation Area and Listed Buildings

  • Landscape

We are proud of the collaborative way in which we proactively work with the whole team to provide an exceptional service for our clients.

The following images reveal the final design of this magnificent project.

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